To Seek Professional Competency In Social Work Practice, Education And Research

Social workers are at the frontlines of preventing and responding to violence and other complex issues faced by the most vulnerable and marginalised people in our nation. They promote social justice, reduce discrimination and causes of inequality, alleviate poverty, as well as build resilience to shocks. When armed with specialised skills, academic background, empathy and steadfast dedication, they support and empower lives.
These are the heroes among us.

Without their contribution, it would be difficult to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Their knowledge and skills help people in Malaysia overcome personal, social, and systemic challenges to live better lives.
Although social workers are not always in the public eye, they work tirelessly behind the scenes to help children, families and communities. However, their value is not widely recognized at the moment.
These are some of the challenges social workers face:
• While the job of a social worker is skilled, complex and challenging in Malaysia, social work is not regulated nor recognized as a profession by law. By comparison, it is regulated in the Philippines (1965), Singapore (2009), Thailand (2013), and Indonesia (2019).
• Limited public understanding of their role and value, which include viewing social workers as charity or volunteer workers. This impacts demand for services and investment in social work.
• There are not enough social workers in Malaysia: only 1 for every 8,576 people (MAMPU, 2019), compared to the ratios in the US (1:490), Australia (1:1,040), UK (1:3,025) and Singapore (1:3,448) ¹.
Source: ¹ Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), 2019

• Raise awareness of the critical role that social workers play in the lives of children, families and communities in Malaysia.
• Build public support for professional recognition
of social workers and increased investment in
social work.
Every child and vulnerable person should have timely access to qualified and competent social workers, when required.
Watch what social workers do and
see how they impact lives.

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for these heroes among us.